Brothel in Barcelona

New opening on October 9th. Come to our Brothel in Barcelona. We are located in the most central part of the city.

Brothel in Barcelona

New opening on October 9th. Come to our Brothel in Barcelona. We are located in the most central part of the city.

chicas de compania Barcelona

Find the best brothel in Barcelona

In our club Entenza 65, you will be able to find escort girls that offer a great variety of services. Among these services, they do not have to be sexual services, it is something to be consulted with the girl we talk to.
They can also accompany you to a special occasion, for a walk or just for a drink.
If you do not feel like coming to the club and you prefer that one of these women go to your home or hotel to talk to her.

chicas de compania barcelona


chicas de compania barcelona


brothel barcelona

Find the best brothel in Barcelona

In our club Entenza 65, you will be able to find escort girls that offer a great variety of services. Among these services, they do not have to be sexual services, it is something to be consulted with the girl we talk to.
They can also accompany you to a special occasion, for a walk or just for a drink.
If you do not feel like coming to the club and you prefer that one of these women go to your home or hotel to talk to her.

brothel barcelona


brothel barcelona


Contact us for more information

Contact us for more information

The best facilities in Barcelona

In addition to our facilities, we have several rooms where you can relax. We are the best in Barcelona for several reasons. First, our rooms are spacious and bright, and are equipped with the latest amenities. Secondly, our bar is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offers a wide variety of drinks for all tastes.

We have several rooms so that our guests can choose the one that best suits their needs. Our rooms are available in different sizes and styles, so our guests can find the perfect room for their occasion.

chicas de compania barcelona

The best facilities in Barcelona

In addition to our facilities, we have several rooms where you can relax. We are the best in Barcelona for several reasons. First, our rooms are spacious and bright, and are equipped with the latest amenities. Secondly, our bar is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and offers a wide variety of drinks for all tastes.

We have several rooms so that our guests can choose the one that best suits their needs. Our rooms are available in different sizes and styles, so our guests can find the perfect room for their occasion.

brothel barcelona

